Fair Housing, Bias and Discrimination

Within the last few years, there has been a lot of talk about bias and discrimination within the appraisal profession. Media coverage – fairly or unfairly – has focused an unwanted spotlight on the profession. In this course, we will discuss issues related to fair housing, fair lending, bias, and discrimination, and will show appraisers how to protect themselves against accusations of violations.

We will start with the basics, specifically a review of federal fair housing and fair lending laws and regulations. We will address the concept of redlining and will also cover the fair housing complaint process and HUD and DOJ enforcement. Then we will cover the concept of bias and explore different types of bias and provide examples of how they might affect appraisals. In the final chapter, we will address the specific issue of bias and discrimination in appraisals, how an appraiser can avoid accusations of bias and discrimination, and what to do if an appraiser has a fair housing complaint filed against them.