OC: Conventional Heating and Cooling Inspections
One of the most common questions asked of home inspectors relates to the condition of the home’s heating and cooling components. The financial strain of replacing these components soon after purchase can be enormous, so client concern is understandable. Providing a thorough, complete, noninvasive, informative examination of the complete central system, as well as individual components, is a must for the successful home inspector.
There are generally two kinds of conventional residential heating and cooling systems – central heating and area heating – serviced by a variety of system types. Gas-fired is the most popular fuel for heating homes in America. Well over 40 million homes across the country use gas-fired equipment as their primary heat source. About 2 million new gas furnaces are sold in the U.S. every year, and almost 60 percent of new single-family homes have gas-fired central heating and cooling.
Consequently, the majority of home inspections will be conducted on a gas-fired central heating and cooling system, which can come in varying configurations and efficiency types, not to mention those creative DIY installations. However, while it takes a great variety of equipment to control the different fuels and different applications, the functions required for safe, automatic operation are remarkably similar.
This course focuses on noninvasive inspection of the systems and components we refer to as “conventional” heating and cooling. For the purposes of this course, the training focus and learning objectives are for the thorough observation, noninvasive inspection and informative reporting requirements on permanently installed force air, gas-fired, electric-powered central heating and cooling systems, components, and air-to-air heat pumps.
The focus is not simply on the mechanicals of the heating and cooling system cabinet and equipment. Rather, this course emphasizes and expands upon the inspection routine as guided by industry standards of practice, and focuses on safety parameters, effective communication skills for client understanding, and targeting your eyes on the heating and cooling inspection as you turn into the inspection property driveway that first time.
To enhance the learning experience, the course is seasoned with inspection best practices and in-the-field perspective and experience gained over time, to review and reinforce basic home inspection requirements to meet or exceed standards/regulations and client satisfaction.
There are generally two kinds of conventional residential heating and cooling systems – central heating and area heating – serviced by a variety of system types. Gas-fired is the most popular fuel for heating homes in America. Well over 40 million homes across the country use gas-fired equipment as their primary heat source. About 2 million new gas furnaces are sold in the U.S. every year, and almost 60 percent of new single-family homes have gas-fired central heating and cooling.
Consequently, the majority of home inspections will be conducted on a gas-fired central heating and cooling system, which can come in varying configurations and efficiency types, not to mention those creative DIY installations. However, while it takes a great variety of equipment to control the different fuels and different applications, the functions required for safe, automatic operation are remarkably similar.
This course focuses on noninvasive inspection of the systems and components we refer to as “conventional” heating and cooling. For the purposes of this course, the training focus and learning objectives are for the thorough observation, noninvasive inspection and informative reporting requirements on permanently installed force air, gas-fired, electric-powered central heating and cooling systems, components, and air-to-air heat pumps.
The focus is not simply on the mechanicals of the heating and cooling system cabinet and equipment. Rather, this course emphasizes and expands upon the inspection routine as guided by industry standards of practice, and focuses on safety parameters, effective communication skills for client understanding, and targeting your eyes on the heating and cooling inspection as you turn into the inspection property driveway that first time.
To enhance the learning experience, the course is seasoned with inspection best practices and in-the-field perspective and experience gained over time, to review and reinforce basic home inspection requirements to meet or exceed standards/regulations and client satisfaction.