16-Hour Salesperson Renewal (License expires Prior to July 2026)
Narrating Audio for Coursework: Learn how you want - listen to all of your course materials with our narrating audio learning option. With this new learning option, learn how, when, and where you want to stay compliant in Virginia.
- You are a salesperson who needs to renew and your license expires before July 2026.
- You are renewing for at least the second time.
- You want to save $$ on your CE courses.
- NAR EthicsThis course was designed to meet the NAR and ethics requirements in your state.
- Accessible Narrated Audio with Adjustable Speeds
What's included
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Included Courses
Virginia Law Combo
This course is designed to fulfill four hours of real estate continuing education credit in the state of Virginia. The objective of this course to provide students with an overview of mandatory topics, including Fair Housing, Contract Law and Agency Law.
Course Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to
- Summarize the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and amendments to that act
- Explain why Fair Housing is important in the real estate industry
- Describe how to avoid discriminatory practices in sales, rentals and financing
- Identify and recall the basic tenets of Virginia fair housing laws and regulations, including the protected classes in the Commonwealth, who is exempt from fair housing laws, and a real estate licensee’s responsibility to ensure no one experiences housing discrimination
- Discuss the legal responsibilities of an agent
- Summarize how contracts are created and terminated
- Describe the unlawful practice of law and recall the contract preparation limitations in Virginia
- Recall deadlines for filing breach of contract lawsuits under the Virginia statute of limitations
- Identify the fiduciary responsibilities of an agent
- Distinguish how agencies are created and terminated
- Recall specific requirements in Virginia related to the use of written brokerage agreements
- Differentiate the pros and cons of types of agencies, with emphasis on buyer agency
- Recall a Virginia buyer agent’s statutory duties to buyers and sellers and the scope of ministerial services
- Recall a Virginia licensee’s duty to disclose agency to unrepresented parties
Virginia Legal Update
The practice of real estate in Virginia has seen a turbulent and exciting time in the last few years. Markets have adjusted, sales volumes have fallen and risen, and a number of legislative items have passed in the state. This course will cover some of the more important legislative updates passed and effective in 2023 that impact the real estate business. This course is approved for one hour of continuing education.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify updates to the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation’s licensing law specific to reciprocity and appraisers.
- Describe updates to laws related to common interest communities with a specific focus on resale disclosures.
- Recall updated provisions impacting residential leasing including post-lease repairs, uninhabitable property lease termination, rent increase notice, assistance animals, and the Statement of Tenants Rights & Responsibilities form.
- Recall updated provisions impacting settlement laws specific to release from judgment liens and collection of settlement fees.
- Describe how an update to tax exemption law benefits veterans with a disability.
- Review key information about the National Flood Insurance Program and how to access current maps of flood hazard areas.
Ethics in the Age of Disruption
This course was created and designed to train and instruct REALTORS® on the practical application of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics and fulfills the REALTOR® Triennial Ethics Requirement.
Every three years, the National Association of REALTORS® requires members to complete a REALTOR® Code of Ethics course in order to remain in good standing with their local, state, and national associations. Additionally, this course may potentially be approvable for REALTORS® who wish to fulfill Code of Ethics requirement from the National Association of REALTORS®. Check with your local REALTORS® association.
Handling Multiple Offers
Taking the Distress Out of Distressed Properties
Going Green: Elements of an Eco-friendly Home
- Learn how homebuyers can reduce their environmental footprint
- Examine the costs of sustainable materials
- Explore pros and cons to eco-friendly materials and homes