Online Correspondence: Real Estate Safety: Protect Yourself and Your Clients
Real estate is generally a safe profession, but there are dangers that agents are exposed to on occasion. While the number of work related deaths and injuries are relatively low, they are not nonexistent. Female real estate agents are more likely to become victims than men; however, men are not immune to attack.
Think about it: real estate licensees often meet complete strangers by themselves, in vacant properties, at odd hours, with little or no background information on the potential client(s). When you think about it this way, the job can sound dangerous. There are some basic safety protocols real estate professionals can employ in the field. Though your brokerage may have a set of security procedures in place, many brokerages rely on the individual agent to establish their own safety measures.
Think about it: real estate licensees often meet complete strangers by themselves, in vacant properties, at odd hours, with little or no background information on the potential client(s). When you think about it this way, the job can sound dangerous. There are some basic safety protocols real estate professionals can employ in the field. Though your brokerage may have a set of security procedures in place, many brokerages rely on the individual agent to establish their own safety measures.