Relocation Appraisal and the ERC Form
Relocation appraising is a specialized field of endeavor for appraisers. Many certified and licensed appraisers have never completed a relocation appraisal. Other appraisers have completed a few relocation assignments here and there, and have varying levels of comfort with these assignments. A few appraisers make relocation appraisal one of the primary focuses of their practice; these appraisers have advanced skills in relocation appraisal. While this course is intended for any appraiser with an interest in completing relocation appraisal assignments, it is geared primarily toward those appraisers in the first three categories. However, even highly experienced relocation appraisers should find some new information in this course.
Course access is available for 6 months from the day it is opened. All courses, regardless of whether they have been opened, expire two years from the date of purchase. Extensions are available for purchase within 30 days of a course expiring. No extensions will be granted after this period.