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McKissock Appraisal
Trainee Sweepstakes

Starting your Appraisal career requires a reliable education provider who is with you the throughout your career. But affordability can be a barrier for many. That’s one reason we’re committed to driving the progression of this rapidly changing profession by helping a broader community of students gain equitable access to education. To champion that mission, we are awarding a McKissock Trainee Learning Subscription to one student EVERY month.  

February is HURM Month!

This sweepstakes supports a diversity of budding appraisers, so check out our monthly criteria below to see which of the upcoming prerequisites apply to you. Winners are selected and contacted between the 1st and 5th of each month and will be featured on this site so we can celebrate their new career journey.

Monthly Schedule

To ensure we are supporting a broader community, each calendar month has a different qualifying criterion to be met by students. If you identify with any of these criteria, simply visit our site during that month and enter to win! 

2025 schedule: 

JanuaryFirst Generation Appraiser/Student
FebruaryHistorically Underrepresented Minorities
MarchWomen in Appraisal
AprilOpen Month – All Can Enter to Win!
MayStudents in Underserved Areas
JuneReal Estate Agent Transfer Student
JulyOpen Month – All Can Enter to Win!
AugustHispanic or Latino/a, or Asian Student
SeptemberOpen Month – All Can Enter to Win!
OctoberIndigenous Community Student
NovemberUnited States Military Veteran


December 2024: Peter, NY

November 2024: Neil, WA

October 2024: Charlotte, TX

September 2024: Norma, TX

August 2024: Christine, AK

June 2024: Damon, CO

May 2024: Kiesha, MA

April 2024: Kelvin, IL

March 2024: Makeida, VI

Who Is Eligible to Win? 

For additional eligibility information, view the sweepstakes terms & conditions.