This course describes implicit (unconscious) biases, how they are created, and how by understanding them we can interact and communicate effectively with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures. No matter if you are new to the business or are a veteran real estate agent, your success depends on your ability to work with other people. And now those people are multifaceted, multiracial, and multicultural.
Cultural diversity itself isn't a problem — our differences have always been there; they're what make us unique. When working with people from another culture or background, you need to understand them and where their ideas of right and wrong come from. Culture is the way we were raised and the values, beliefs, and standards for behavior we learned. However, when you follow the Platinum Rule, “Treat others the way THEY want to be treated.” you are more likely to get clients and listings, make sales, and have a successful real estate career.
Implicit bias is normal. In fact, every person has biases of one kind or another and it’s okay to have different likes and dislikes. Unfortunately, some real estate agents let their biases get in the way and may discriminate against people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. This is the turning point from simple likes and dislikes to breaking fair housing laws and possible censure or loss of license. To avoid this behavior, many businesses and trade organizations encourage their employees and members to participate in implicit bias and diversity training. Discovering and overcoming implicit biases is a critical step toward improving personal growth and other areas of their lives, such as having a successful real estate career.
The course is intended to enhance the knowledge and effectiveness of real estate licensees and is approved for 4 hours of continuing education.