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What do home inspectors do?

Home inspectors work with realtors and homeowners who are preparing to sell their property. The inspector evaluates every reasonable inch of the home for function and safety and records their findings for later consideration by clients. A home inspector’s 3 main jobs are:

  1. Make sure a building is safe, and keep a record of what needs updating
  2. Give credibility to the people selling the house
  3. Let the new buyers know if anything needs to be repaired

During a home inspection, inspectors need to take a close look at all areas of the house and property. This is a thorough, inch-by-inch inspection. Home inspections might vary based on the inspector, but what’s covered in a home inspection remains predictable.

During a home inspection, 6 basic areas are always covered: Exterior, interior, foundation, electrical, plumbing and HVAC.

How long home inspections take also varies by inspector. The same rules apply to home inspection as anywhere else: the more experienced someone is, the more efficient they are.

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