The requirements include a four (4) PDH pre-approved course on the Standards of Practice, Ethics, and the Code of Conduct, which must be taken once every four (4) years and counts towards the eight (8) PDH annual requirement in the year that is taken.
Professional land surveyors are required to complete a minimum of eight (8) professional development hours (PDH) of qualifying activities for each calendar year, for a total of sixteen (16) PDH for the reporting period. The reporting period is the two calendar years (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) prior to the June 30 license renewal.
License renewal occurs on June 30th biennially based on last name. Last names beginning with A-K renew June 30th of odd years, and last names beginning with L-Z renew June 30th of even years. CE is due on December 31st of the prior year.
By regulation, all licensees with last names starting with A-K should have completed the CPD by December 31, on even years, to renew by June 30, of odd years. Similarly, those with last names starting with L-Z will need to complete their CPD by December 31, on odd years, to renew by June 30, of even years.