Online Renewal Package - 16 hr.


Land surveyor professional development that's both convenient and comprehensive!

With in-depth content and quizzes that boost retention, you'll gain valuable skills in relevant topics. Our online renewal package includes six months of access to online courses that meet your state's requirements and offer incredible value!

Pre-Selected Courses,
Single State Certificates

6-month access

Professional Development

  • *16-hours of online courses
  • Single state certificates
  • 6 months of access

Courses Included
Eminent Domain - An Overview (5 hrs.)
Adverse Possession and Prescriptive Easements (4 hrs.)
Drone Surveying (2 hrs.)
Flooding: Cause and Effect (2 hrs.)
Minimum Standards for Property Boundary Surveys in Louisiana (mandatory) (2 hrs.)
Professional Ethics for Louisiana Land Surveyors and Engineers (mandatory) (1 hr.)

*8 Professional Development Hours (PDH) must be taken each calendar year by December 31st.