Fundamentals of Gaskets for Professional Engineers
In “Fundamentals of Gaskets for Engineers”, you'll learn ...
• The fundamental components of gaskets and how they work
• The different types, applications, and classification of gaskets
• The fundamental specification and design elements required for selection of gaskets
• Key gasket identification marking’s
• Gasket installation and troubleshooting
• Some definitions and resources for gasket design
The objectives of this course are to provide a fundamental overview of Gaskets as outlined by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the American Petroleum Institute (API). All engineering disciplines will be involved with Gaskets at some juncture in their career. Professional Engineers need more than just how to select the correct Gasket based on a need. They must understand their identification, classification, and application. This training will widen an engineer’s perspective even if they do not directly deal with the design of Gaskets. Furthermore, proper construction installation and troubleshooting potential causation for leaks will be covered.
These standards apply to many industries beyond petroleum and chemical manufacturing. Example industries are nuclear, pharmaceutical, agricultural, commercial, residential, mining, and food processing. Gaskets touch every aspect of our lives, and all engineers will benefit from learning about the fundamentals of Gaskets.
This is a fundamentals course meaning that the Professional Engineer will be introduced to gasket design basics and not a guidance to design gaskets. Additional training and experience will be required to advance beyond the fundamentals obtained in this training module. All engineering professionals will benefit from this training obtaining the knowledge and vocabulary to discuss any gasket included in this training in order to ask effective questions. Some areas this will be applicable are quality reviews, design reviews, and inspections.
This training module will guide the Professional Engineer through classification and selections of gaskets. Fundamental courses are more appealing to Professional Engineers not necessarily in the field the course is educating you about. They provide broad-based knowledge, definition, and vocabulary to expand your knowledge without major time investments and lengthy internet research. If you ever wanted to know more about gaskets and their application then this course will benefit you. You will not be disappointed.