Online Renewal Package - 30 hr.


Convenient and comprehensive professional development starts here!

Build your skills with six-month access to 30 hours of professional engineering development courses in a convenient, on-demand format. This package includes both elective and mandatory courses to ensure you meet your state requirements while building your skills and gaining valuable information.

Pre-Selected Courses,
Single State Certificate

6-month access

Professional Development

  • 30-hours of online courses
  • Single state certificates
  • 6 months of access

Courses Included
Stabilizing Soils for Pavements (8 hrs)
Basics of Fire Protection Systems (6 hrs)
Introduction to Earth Retention Structures (5 hrs)
Project Management for the Engineer (4 hrs)
The History and Future of Domes (4 hrs)
Fundamentals of Valves for Professional Engineers (3 hrs)