-License expiration dates vary depending on initial licensure date. License renewals are every 24 months on either 3/31 or 9/30 beginning with the year in which the license was first issued.
Hours Required by FREC: 14 hours
-6 mandatory hours
-3-hour Core Law course
-3-hour Ethics and Business Practices course
-8 elective hours
Post-Licensure Education Requirement: The initial renewal of a Sales Associate license requires the passing of 45 hours of post-license education. The initial renewal of a Broker license requires the passing of 60 hours of post license education. Failure to comply with first renewal requirements by the license expiration date will result in a null and void license status.
Expiration Date of Course: Course expiration dates vary but are generally 6 months after enrollment date.
Final Exam: FREC permits only one attempt to pass the course final examination with a score of at least 80%. If the exam is failed, the licensee must retake the entire course including the exam.
Certificate: With few exceptions, online course completion certificates are available for download at course conclusion and posted directly to your student dashboard.