FL Trainee Appraiser Subject Matter Electives
The course is organized into chapters, and there is a chapter-ending quiz associated with each one. You must successfully pass the quiz to gain access to the next chapter. You will also encounter incremental mini-quizzes within the chapters. These must also be successfully completed in order to progress through the course materials.
Periodically within the course materials, you will encounter little speaker icons. When you find them, please make sure your speakers are turned on. Then click on the icon and hear a message from your instructor.
This course first looks at five specialized areas of appraisal practice:
• Environmental issues
• Appraising 2- to 4-family residential properties
• Appraising manufactured homes
• Residential Construction
• Green building
Section 1 begins with a description of three environmental problems that an appraiser may encounter: radon, mold, and lead paint. It also investigates environmental issues such as indoor air pollutants, wetlands, brownfields and indoor air pollutants. Then environmental reporting is addressed.
The second and third sections of the course cover how to appraise specialized property types. First, the process of appraising 2- to 4-unit residential properties is covered in detail. Then, manufactured homes are defined, illustrated and the appraisal process for them is detailed.
The fourth section details residential construction practices from the basement to the roof. It also covers site development and mechanical systems.
The fifth section of the course provides an introduction to green building, and addresses how green features can affect all three of the traditional valuation approaches.
Then, there are two sections that are specific to the State of Florida:
• Supervisor Appraiser-Trainee Appraiser Relationships
• Florida Appraiser Law
At the end of the course, there is a required one-hour proctored final examination.
Course access is available for 6 months from the day it is opened. All courses, regardless of whether they have been opened, expire two years from the date of purchase. Extensions are available for purchase within 30 days of a course expiring. No extensions will be granted after this period.