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How to Become an Appraiser in Oregon 

There are many reasons to choose a career in real estate appraisal. Appraisers cite the opportunity to have a flexible schedule, earn a good living, and do challenging work among the top reasons they enjoy their career.  

Do you want to know how to become an appraiser in Oregon, or how to advance to a higher license level? McKissock Learning has all the Oregon appraisal courses you need to build a thriving career. 

Portland, Oregon downtown skyline with Mt. Hood at dawn.

Oregon Appraiser License: Registered Appraiser Assistant

Total Hours Required: 79 hrs
Mandatory Hours:
Elective Hours:

How to become an appraiser in Oregon 

Your path to becoming a real estate appraiser begins at the trainee level. In Oregon, trainees are called Registered Appraiser Assistants. As an Assistant, you’ll work under a Supervising Appraiser to gain essential work experience. Your supervisor will oversee your work as you learn how to inspect properties, analyze real estate market data, and complete appraisal reports. 

Follow these steps to become a Registered Appraiser Assistant in Oregon: 

Step 1: Complete the required education. 

You’ll need to complete and pass 79 hours of Oregon appraisal education, including 75 hours of AQB Basic Qualifying Education courses and a 4-hour Supervisor/Trainee course: 

  • Basic Appraisal Principles (30 hours) 
  • Basic Appraisal Procedures (30 hours) 
  • 15-Hour National USPAP Course or equivalent (15 hours) 
  • Supervisor/Trainee Course for Oregon (4 hours) 

Prerequisites: You must be at least 18 years old and be a United States citizen or lawfully admitted alien. 

Step 2: Connect with a supervisor. 

You’ll also need to find a State Certified General or State Certified Residential Appraiser licensed in Oregon to act as your Supervising Appraiser and sign all of your appraisal reports during your stint as a Registered Assistant. You may have more than one supervisor. It’s a good idea to begin looking for your supervisor(s) as early as possible. Steps 1 and 2 can be done simultaneously. 

Step 3: Apply for registration. 

Finally, apply to become a Registered Appraiser Assistant by submitting the following items to the Oregon Appraiser Certification and Licensure Board (ACLB): 

  • Appraiser Assistant Application 
  • Passport-style photo 
  • Education Tracking Form 
  • Add/Remove Supervising Appraiser Form 
  • Fingerprints for background check 
  • Application fee 

Important: Verify all licensing requirements with the Oregon ACLB. Contact the Oregon Appraiser Certification and Licensure Board at 503.485.2555 for more information. 

After I become a Registered Assistant, then what? 

Once you’re officially registered as an Appraiser Assistant, you can begin to work and earn money under your supervisor. You must work as an Assistant for at least 6 months to gain the appraisal experience needed to obtain your appraiser license or certificate.  

Meanwhile, you’ll also need to complete additional appraisal qualifying education courses and pass a national exam to become a State Licensed, State Certified Residential, or State Certified General Appraiser in the state of Oregon. 

See the “State Licensed,” “Certified Residential,” and “Certified General” tabs at the top of this page for an overview of the requirements for each level. 

Oregon Registered Assistant Appraiser (79 hours) – AQB recommended course order 

Online Info

Required Education: 
79 Hours.
  Basic Appraisal Principles – 30 hours 
  Basic Appraisal Procedures – 30 hours 
  National USPAP Course or Equivalent – 15 hours
  Supervisor/Trainee Course for Oregon – 4 hours


2015 AQB Supervisor/Trainee Course Requirement: Both the Trainee Appraiser and Supervisory Appraiser shall be required to complete a course that, at minimum, complies with the specifications for course content established by the AQB. The course must be completed by the Trainee Appraiser prior to obtaining a Trainee Appraiser credential, and completed by the Supervisory Appraiser prior to supervising a Trainee Appraiser.


Experience: N/A


College Education: N/A

Online Limitations

No online limitations.


Roster Required: yes
Roster Process:

Rosters are sent by email each business day.

Roster Sent Every 1 days

Governing Agency

Oregon Appraiser Certification and Licensure Board
Phone: 5034852555
Fax: 5034852559
Address: 200 Hawthorn Ave S.E. Suite, C-302, Salem, OR 97301

FAQs about how to become an appraiser in Oregon 

How old do you have to be to become an appraiser in Oregon? 

You must be at least 18 years old to become an assistant, licensed, or certified appraiser in the state of Oregon. 

What is an average day like in the life of a real estate appraiser? 

As an appraiser, your typical work week will include a mix of office work and fieldwork. Up to half of your time may be spent on-the-go visiting properties. The rest of your time will be spent in the office (or at home) doing research, writing reports, and answering emails.  

If you choose to work for yourself as an independent fee appraiser, you can control your own schedule and determine what your day looks like. For example, you might choose to schedule property visits in the morning and reserve your afternoon for office work. 

Who regulates appraisers in Oregon? 

Professional real estate appraisers in the state of Oregon are regulated by the Oregon Appraiser Certification and Licensure Board (ACLB). You can visit their website at aclboregon.org or call them at 503.485.2555. 

Helpful resources