As of January 1, 2023, California real estate appraisers applying for their initial license must complete at least one hour of Cultural Competency education. Those applying for appraisal license renewal in California must complete at least one hour of Cultural Competency and two hours of Elimination of Bias, which can be combined into a single three-hour course. These changes to the education requirements are key components of California Assembly Bill 948.
Enroll in McKissock’s 3-hour course, California Elimination of Bias and Cultural Competency for Appraisers.
About Assembly Bill 948
California Assembly Bill 948 was signed into law on September 28, 2021. According to the California Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers, “AB 948 requires applicants—initial and renewal—to take education that brings awareness to individuals who work in culturally diverse environments, so individuals can do so inclusively, openly, fairly, and free of bias.”
“This law introduces a means of imparting knowledge and awareness of cultural dynamics and the broader concept of bias,” said the Bureau in its Fall/Winter 2022 Newsletter. “Knowledge and awareness are key to producing change as individuals, employees, self-employed appraisers, and as a society.”
As stated in the newsletter, “Key components of the changes to continuing education include:
- The new law is effective January 1, 2023.
- The courses are due on the four-year cycle.
- Cultural Competency and Elimination of Bias are two separate courses. However, they can be combined into at least a three-hour course or be taken as individual courses.”
Other key parts of AB 948 include the addition of Business and Professions Code (BPC) 1142 and changes to the BREA complaint form (Form 4001). More details are available in the California Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers Fall/Winter 2022 Newsletter.
How soon will this affect your CE requirements?
If you are a California appraiser and your four-year renewal cycle falls after the effective date of January 1, 2023, you will need to complete the new mandatory Cultural Competency and Elimination of Bias courses. If you are on your two-year renewal cycle after January 1, 2023, you will not need to complete the courses; the new courses are due at the four-year renewal cycle.
Source: California BREA Fall/Winter 2022 Newsletter
Where can you complete the mandatory anti-bias training?
McKissock Learning offers a three-hour online course titled California Elimination of Bias and Cultural Competency for Appraisers, which satisfies the new education requirements for California appraisal license renewal applicants. This course combines the one hour of Cultural Competency and two hours of Elimination of Bias education into a single three-hour course. The course is available now, and you can take it online at
California appraisers: View the full course description and enroll here.