When it comes to making money as a real estate agent, obtaining referrals can be one of the most profitable parts of your job. Mastering the art of nurturing previous client relationships is crucial to obtaining referral business and long-term success in the real estate industry; however, many agents aren’t taking advantage of prime referral-generating time: the weekend.
Whether it’s dropping housewarming gifts off on a Sunday afternoon or going to that local charity event on Saturday morning, carving out a slice of time devoted to creating referrals over the weekend can be enjoyable and pay off big time.
While agents should certainly make an effort every day to create referrals, weekends open up more interesting possibilities. Here are a few fun ideas to try over the weekend:
Attend a client’s housewarming party
Following a big move, your client will likely want to show off their beautiful new home to friends and family. Events like these are the perfect opportunity to position yourself as someone who can aid your clients’ loved ones in finding their next home.
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Send out goodies
If you have a lazy Sunday afternoon available, it’s the perfect time to prepare cards and/or gifts to be mailed the following week, especially if a holiday is fast approaching. In order to maintain existing relationships and cultivate new referrals, you need to regularly contact your database, and mailing them goodies is an excellent alternative to an email.
Host a contest
Let’s be honest: You’re probably checking your Facebook over the weekend anyway, so why not boost your social media presence—and generate referrals—with a contest? It can be something as simple as asking a real estate-related question. Choose a winner from the comments, and a gift card to a local movie theater or restaurant is the perfect prize!
If you’re a profitable agent, you surely have a plan for generating referrals already in place; however, many overlook the opportunity that weekends present. Make sure whatever you decide to do, you have fun with it and still enjoy your weekend!
Jameson Doris is RISMedia’s blog and social media editor. Email him your real estate blog ideas at [email protected]. For the latest real estate news and trends, bookmark RISMedia.com.