How to Become an Appraiser in Puerto Rico
Considering a career in real estate appraisal? This profession offers many benefits, including the chance to earn a good living, be your own boss, and do challenging work. Do you want to know how to become an appraiser in Puerto Rico, or how to upgrade your classification?
Wherever you’re at in your career journey, McKissock Learning offers the appraisal courses and support you need to reach your goals.
Puerto Rico Appraiser License: Trainee
Total Hours Required: 315 hrs
Mandatory Hours: —
Elective Hours: —
How to become an appraiser in Puerto Rico
Your path to becoming a real estate appraiser in Puerto Rico begins as a Trainee Appraiser. At the trainee level, you’ll work under a Supervisory Appraiser to gain the work experience you need to become licensed or certified. You will assist your supervisor with property inspections, market analysis, comparable selection, and appraisal report writing.
First, become a Trainee Appraiser
Here’s an overview of the steps you’ll need to take to become a Trainee:
Step 1: Complete the required education.
You’ll need to pass 82 hours of Puerto Rico appraiser education, which consists of three AQB Basic Qualifying Education courses and a Laws and Regulations course:
- Basic Appraisal Principles (30 hours)
- Basic Appraisal Procedures (30 hours)
- 15-hour National USPAP Course or equivalent (15 hours)
- Puerto Rico Laws and Regulations (7 hours)
Step 2: Connect with a Supervisory Appraiser.
You’ll need to find a Certified Appraiser who will agree to supervise your on-the-job training. You can start looking for a supervisor while taking your qualifying education courses.
Step 3: Apply to be a Trainee Appraiser.
Apply to become a Trainee Appraiser by submitting the following items to the Puerto Rico Board of Real Estate Appraisers:
- Application form
- Required fee
- High school diploma
- Appraisal course completion certificates
- Fingerprints for background check
Important: Verify all requirements with the Puerto Rico licensing board. For more information, contact the Puerto Rico Board of Examiners of Professional Real Estate Appraisers at 787.722.2122.
Next, become a State Licensed Appraiser in Puerto Rico
Once you have your Trainee Appraiser license, you can begin working under your supervisor to log your required work experience hours. Meanwhile, you will also need to complete additional appraisal education and pass a national exam to obtain your State License in Puerto Rico.
You’ll need to work with a supervisor for at least 1 year before you can apply for your State License. At that point, you’ll be permitted to work independently (without a supervisor) and even start your own appraisal business. You must have your State License before you can upgrade to the Residential Certification or General Certification level.
Navigate to the “State Licensed,” “Certified Residential,” and “Certified General” tabs at the top of this page to see the requirements for each level.
Puerto Rico Trainee Appraiser (82 hours) – AQB recommended course order
That the applicant has completed the three hundred and fifteen (315) hours/credits with exam in classes, including the fifteen (15) hours/credits with examination of the course of Uniform Rules of Practice (Ethics), known (USPAP), in accordance with the criteria approved by the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) and the 15 hours credits with examination of the course of Laws and Regulations
College Education:
Must have a Bachelor’s degree. For state license applicants, it shall be required that within the courses approved for the bachelor’s degree, at least twelve (12) college credits must be in subjects related to real estate appraisal. For the Federal Certification, fifteen (15) college credits shall be required.”
FAQs about how to become an appraiser in Puerto Rico
How long does it take to become a real estate appraiser in Puerto Rico?
The first step—becoming a Trainee Appraiser—can be done in as little as a few weeks. At that point, you can begin working and earning money under a supervisor appraiser. The full process to become a State Licensed Appraiser can be done in a little over 12 months.
Then, if you wish to upgrade to Certified Residential or Certified General Appraiser, that process will require an additional 12 or 18 months, depending on which certification you pursue.
How much do appraisers make in Puerto Rico?
Glassdoor lists the average salary for residential real estate appraisers in Puerto Rico as $67,856 per year.1
According to, most residential real estate appraisers in the United States earn between $51,341 and $103,471, depending on experience level.2,3 The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the mean annual wage of property appraisers and assessors as $76,110.4
An appraiser’s annual earnings are influenced by several key factors, including license level, location, years of experience, hours worked per week, and advanced skills or certifications.
Helpful resources
- Puerto Rico Licensing Information
- AQB Appraiser Qualification Criteria
- Guide: Is an Appraisal Career Right for You?
- FAQ: How to I find a supervisory appraiser?
Sources cited
- Residential Real Estate Appraiser Salaries in Puerto Rico (Glassdoor)
- Appraiser (Residential Real Estate) Salary in the United States (
- Appraiser Sr. (Residential Real Estate) Salary in the United States (
- Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics: Property Appraisers and Assessors (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Puerto Rico Appraiser License: State Licensed
Total Hours Required: 200 hrs
Mandatory Hours: —
Elective Hours: —
How to become a State Licensed Appraiser in Puerto Rico
In Puerto Rico, State Licensed Appraisers (also called home appraisers or Licensed Residential Appraisers) can appraise non-complex 1–4 unit residential properties with a transaction value of up to $1,000,000 and complex 1–4 unit residential properties with a transaction value of up to $250,000.
To become a State Licensed Appraiser in Puerto Rico, you must:
- Complete 157 hours of Puerto Rico appraisal education (includes trainee/assistant education)
- Complete 2,000 hours of acceptable real property appraisal experience in no fewer than 12 months
- Pass the National Uniform Licensing and Certification Exam for Licensed Residential Appraisers
Apply for your State License by submitting the following items to the Puerto Rico Board of Real Estate Appraisers:
- Application form
- Required fee
- High school diploma
- Appraisal course completion certificates
- Appraisal experience log
- Evidence of passing score on the licensing exam
- Passport-style photograph
- Negative Certificate of Criminal Record
Important: Verify all requirements with the Puerto Rico licensing board. For more information, contact the Puerto Rico Board of Examiners of Professional Real Estate Appraisers at 787.722.2122.
Puerto Rico State Licensed Appraiser (157 hours) – AQB recommended course order
Online Info
That the applicant has completed the three hundred and fifteen (315) hours/credits with exam in classes, including the fifteen (15) hours/credits with examination of the course of Uniform Rules of Practice (Ethics), known (USPAP), in accordance with the criteria approved by the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) and the 15 hours credits with examination of the course of Laws and Regulations
College Education:
Must have a Bachelor’s degree. For state license applicants, it shall be required that within the courses approved for the bachelor’s degree, at least twelve (12) college credits must be in subjects related to real estate appraisal. For the Federal Certification, fifteen (15) college credits shall be required.
No roster required
Governing Agency
Address: ,
FAQs about becoming a Licensed Appraiser in Puerto Rico
Do I need a college degree to become a State Licensed Appraiser in Puerto Rico?
To become a real estate appraiser in Puerto Rico, you must have a high school diploma. No college education is required to obtain your State License.
What are the continuing education requirements for appraisers in Puerto Rico?
According to Puerto Rico CE requirements, appraisers must complete 56 continuing education (CE) hours every 4 years. This includes two cycles of the 7-Hour National USPAP Update course (taken once every 2 years), a 7-hour Puerto Rico Laws and Regulations course (taken once every 4 years), and 35 elective CE hours.
Helpful resources
Puerto Rico Appraiser License: Certified Residential
Total Hours Required: 300 hrs
Mandatory Hours: —
Elective Hours: —
How to become a Certified Residential Appraiser in Puerto Rico
In Puerto Rico, Certified Residential Appraisers (also called home appraisers) can appraise all 1–4 residential units, without regard to complexity or transaction value. They may also appraise non-residential properties with a transaction value of up to $250,000, without regard to complexity.
To become a Certified Residential Appraiser in Puerto Rico, you must:
- Complete 207 hours of Puerto Rico appraisal education (includes trainee education)
- Complete 2,500 hours of acceptable appraisal experience in no fewer than 24 months
- Pass the National Uniform Licensing and Certification Exam for Certified Residential Appraisers
- Meet the college degree requirements set by the Puerto Rico Board of Real Estate Appraisers
- Note: Minimum college degree requirements are specified in the Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria is issued by the AQB. However, individual U.S. states/territories can set stricter requirements. Check with the Puerto Rico licensing board for specifics.
Apply for your Residential Certification by submitting the following items to the Puerto Rico Board of Real Estate Appraisers:
- Application form
- Required fee
- Copy of your State License (must be current)
- High school diploma
- College transcripts (if applicable)
- Appraisal course completion certificates
- Appraisal experience log
- Evidence of passing score on the Residential Certification exam
- Passport-style photograph
- Negative Certificate of Criminal Record
Important: Verify all requirements with the Puerto Rico licensing board. For more information, contact the Puerto Rico Board of Examiners of Professional Real Estate Appraisers at 787.722.2122.
Puerto Rico Certified Residential Appraiser (207 hours) – AQB recommended course order
Online Info
The applicant has completed the two hundred (200) hours credits with exam in classes, including the fifteen (15) hours credits with examination of the course of Uniform Standards of Practice (Ethics), known (USPAP) according to the criteria approved by the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) .
Two thousand five hundred (2,500) hours of professional experience obtained in no less than twenty-four (24) months worked. To establish the experience, the applicant will self-evaluate his professional practice to determine the accumulation of two thousand five hundred (2,500) hours obtained in no less than twenty-four (24) months worked. This evaluation of the applicant’s professional practice will be based on the criteria of the accompanying Door Table of Hours Credits. The Board will select the reports to be submitted. The two thousand five hundred hours (2,500) of experience provided must be under the L1, L2 and L3 codes
No roster required
Governing Agency
Address: ,
FAQs about becoming a Certified Residential Appraiser in Puerto Rico
How much does a Certified Residential Appraiser make in Puerto Rico?
Glassdoor lists the average salary for residential real estate appraisers in Puerto Rico as $67,856 per year.1 According to, most upper-level residential real estate appraisers in the United States earn between $71,335 and $103,471.2
Appraisal income is influenced by factors including license level, location, years of experience, and advanced skills or certifications.
What is an average day like in the life of a real estate appraiser?
As an appraiser, your average week will consist of a combination of office work and fieldwork. You may spend up to half of your time on-the-go visiting properties. Your remaining time will be spent doing research, writing reports, and answering emails.
If you decide to be an independent fee appraiser and work for yourself, you’ll have full control over your daily schedule. For example, you might choose to do office work in the morning and schedule all of your property visits in the afternoon.
Helpful resources
- Puerto Rico Licensing Information
- AQB Appraiser Qualification Criteria
- Real Estate Appraiser Exam Prep
- Your Guide to an Appraisal License Upgrade
Sources cited
Puerto Rico Appraiser License: Certified General
Total Hours Required: 315 hrs
Mandatory Hours: —
Elective Hours: —
How to become a Certified General Appraiser in Puerto Rico
In Puerto Rico, Certified General Appraisers (or commercial appraisers) can appraise all types of real property, without regard to transaction value or complexity. This includes everything from homes to strip malls to airports —the sky’s the limit!
To become a Certified General Appraiser in Puerto Rico, you must:
- Complete 307 hours of Puerto Rico appraisal education (includes trainee education)
- Complete 3,000 hours of acceptable appraisal experience in no fewer than 30 months, including at least 1,500 hours in non-residential appraisal work
- Pass the National Uniform Licensing and Certification Exam for Certified General Appraisers
- Have at least a bachelor’s degree or higher
- Note: Minimum college degree requirements are specified in the Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria is issued by the AQB. However, individual U.S. states/territories can set stricter requirements. Check with the Puerto Rico licensing board for specifics.
Apply for your General Certification by submitting the following items to the Puerto Rico Board of Real Estate Appraisers:
- Application form
- Required fee
- Copy of your State License (must be current)
- High school diploma
- College transcripts
- Appraisal course completion certificates
- Appraisal experience log
- Evidence of passing score on the General Certification exam
- Passport-style photograph
- Negative Certificate of Criminal Record
Important: Verify all requirements with the Puerto Rico licensing board. For more information, contact the Puerto Rico Board of Examiners of Professional Real Estate Appraisers at 787.722.2122.
Puerto Rico Certified General Appraiser (307 hours) – AQB recommended course order
Online Info
The applicant has completed the three hundred (300) hours credits with exam in classes, including the fifteen (15) hours credits with examination of the Uniform Rules of Practice (Ethics), known (USPAP) according to the criteria approved by the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB).
3,000 (3,000) hours of professional experience obtained in no less than thirty (30) months worked. To establish the experience, the applicant will self-evaluate his professional practice to determine the accumulation of 3,000 (3,000) hours obtained in no less than thirty (30) months worked. This evaluation of the applicant’s professional practice will be based on the criteria of the accompanying Door Table of Hours Credits. The Board will select the reports to be submitted. For the General Certification Appraiser at least fifty percent (50%) of the practice must be under the G3 codes G12.
If the applicant holds a State license (EPA) and applies for general certification, the Board will require three (3) commercial reports (commercial, industrial, detailed rent study or special prop.) and four (4) residential appraisals. If the candidate has residential certification and applies for general certification, the Board will request three (3) commercial reports.
No roster required
Governing Agency
Address: ,
FAQs about becoming a commercial appraiser in Puerto Rico
How much does a commercia appraiser make in Puerto Rico?
Glassdoor states that commercial appraisers in Puerto Rico make an average salary of $60,267 per year.1 According to, most commercial real estate appraisers in the United States make between $45,182 and $137,253, with experienced appraisers earning the most.2,3
A commercial appraiser’s income can vary widely due to factors like location, years of experience, specialty (e.g., agricultural, commercial/industrial, hospitality), and number of hours worked per week.
Do I need a degree to become a Certified General Appraiser in Puerto Rico?
Yes. You need to hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university to become a Certified General Appraiser, according to the Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria is issued by the AQB.