reverse mortgage

New Reverse Mortgage Policies, Harvey and Irma’s Hit to Mortgages, Pricing Homes in a Good School District, and More

reverse mortgage This week’s real estate news is led by a story about how new reverse mortgage policies set by the Trump Administration will impact those 62 and older. First, it was Harvey, and then it was Irma. What kind of impact will these massive storms have on homeowners—and the mortgage industry. Is your new listing in a good school district? Homebuyers will pay a premium; find out how to set the best price. Homeowners who are uncertain whether to sell can ask themselves five questions to discover if now is the right time. Finally, you know how important Facebook is for building your brand, but you don’t know how best to leverage it. We’ve got tips.

The impact of new reverse mortgage policies

Homeowners age 62 and over might want to rethink plans for a reverse mortgage as a supplement to their retirement income. On October 2, the Trump Administration will put into effect new policies that will increase the upfront costs and decrease loan amounts.

Harvey’s hit to mortgages could be four times worse than predicted—and then there’s Irma

As if Hurricane Harvey wasn’t enough of a hit for mortgage holders, Irma might mean four times as many homeowners will be affected by weather in the southeast. What kind of residual effect will it have on the mortgage industry if high numbers of borrowers default?

5 best practices for setting the price on a home in a good school district

Homebuyers with kids are willing to pay a premium for purchasing a home located in a good school district. This article outlines five items real estate agents should take into account when setting a price for these homes.

5 key questions for home sellers

It’s not always an easy decision for homeowners to become home sellers, and there is no magic formula to determine how long it is optimal to own property. This article outlines five questions that might help people make the right decision.

Getting more out of Facebook for real estate agents

Most people know how important Facebook is for improving their online reputation, but the truth is that few people know how to use it effectively. Find out what you can do to build your real estate brand with this popular social media platform.