real estate agent reading

Top 6 Books for New Real Estate Agents

real estate agent reading

Congratulations on receiving your real estate license and making the decision to work for yourself while helping others pursue their home-sweet-homes.

As a new agent, there is a lot to learn. While it may feel overwhelming initially, time, patience and education will all help. Education, in particular, will bolster your comfort level and your ability to help both buyers and sellers. One of the simplest, fastest and most effective ways to build your knowledge base is through reading. For the cost of a couple books (or a free library card), you can ease your nerves and build your confidence and real estate business.

Whether you prefer a classic hardcover or browsing on your tablet, these six books can help you jumpstart your new career in real estate:

mindset#1: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck.

Do you have a Growth Mindset or a Fixed Mindset? Since you’re willing to embark on a new career, you likely have more of a growth mindset, where you believe your talents and abilities can be developed. This illuminating book examines how success in almost every aspect of our lives is influenced by what we think and explains how you can use this notion to connect, motivate and accomplish more.

your first year in real estate#2: Your First Year in Real Estate: Making the Transition from Total Novice to Successful Professional by Dirk Zeller.

Zeller has been a real estate agent, coach and writer for decades and offers time-tested advice on finding the right company to work for, developing relationships, crafting effective online marketing and social media, managing the ever-shifting real estate climate and much more. The book hones in on what it takes to make a successful transition into the industry.

Learn from hundreds of successful real estate agents in our Voice of the Real Estate Agent report. Download for free here.

sell with soul#3: Sell with Soul: Creating an Extraordinary Career in Real Estate without Losing Your Friends, Your Principles or Your Self-Respect by Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn.

With step-by-step guidelines for surviving (and even thriving in) your first year, “Sell with Soul” offers personal stories, checklists, pitfalls and encouragement, reminding new agents to put their clients’ needs first while staying true to themselves.

juliet's school of possibilities#4: Juliet’s School of Possibilities: A Little Story About the Power of Priorities by Laura Vanderkam.

While not a real estate tome, this charming fable will remind you that “Expectations are infinite. Time is finite. You are always choosing. Choose well.” If you struggle with time management and always feel like you’re racing from one appointment to the next, this story will help you re-examine your relationship to time and reset your priorities. “Juliet’s School of Possibilities” is a quick and enlightening read that will remind you of what’s most important in life and how to make time for everything. Vanderkam’s “Off the Clock” also helps professionals “feel less busy while getting more done.”

the morning miracle for real estate agents#5: The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents: It’s Your Time to Rise and Shine by Hal Elrod, Michael Maher, Michael Reese and Jay Kinder.

This top seller shows readers how much of an impact their morning routine can have on the day—and their career—to follow. With a focus on both personal and professional success, “The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents” sets the stage for reaching the next level. Even night owls give this guide great reviews!

outliers by malcolm gladwell#6: Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell.

If you haven’t yet read any of Gladwell’s best-selling books, you’re in for a treat. Through entertaining stories and examples, you will learn how and why high achievers do what they do. “Outliers” notes that anyone can be successful if they are willing to put in the work and take advantage of opportunities and encourages the idea of “practical intelligence,” knowing what to say, when to say it and how to say it.

If you think you don’t have time to read, consider listening to books on CD or invest in an Audible subscription. You can read for 20 minutes at night or take a coffee and reading break each afternoon. Books are affordable and informative (and often really enjoyable). A few hours in a good book can boost your current and repeat business while enhancing your professional career.

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