YES! Part of the appeal of online education is the ability to make it work for you and your schedule. If you have 5 minutes, so does the course. If you have 5 hours…well, the course does too! To take a break from your course simply click “Close Course” in the upper right hand of… More
If you become locked out of your account you will need to call 800-328-2008 to speak with one of our Education Specialists to have your account unlocked. We are available Monday through Friday from 8am to 8pm EST and on Saturday and Sunday from 12pm to 3:30pm EST. More
Most of our courses are iPad compatible. Our software is not supported on smartphones or other devices, but it may still work in certain instances. We recommend you have a backup computer in case your course doesn’t work on your phone. Some things to be aware of if you try to use your phone:… More
McKissock’s online courses can include video, interactive case studies and downloadable aids to help you learn the content. If you are having trouble with your video, here are a few ways that can help solve the most common issues. If you’re using a computer: Update Flash Update Shockwave If you’re using Internet Explorer, make… More
If your course is not opening when you click the open course icon or links within the course will not open, you may have to allow in your popup blockers settings. Click the Menu Icon (For FireFox 29 and above. Top Right corner, three lines stacked on each other.) Click on options Click… More
If you can’t see your McKissock courses when you log in to your account, here are some ways to solve for it: Clear your cache and cookies (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome) If you are running Internet Explorer you will want to disable compatibility view If clearing your cache and cookies does not work, you… More
Block or allow pop-ups in Chrome By default, Google Chrome blocks pop-ups from automatically showing up on your screen. When a pop-up is blocked, the address bar will be marked Pop-up blocked. You can also decide to allow pop-ups. If you still get pop-ups after disabling them: You may have previously subscribed to receive… More
Your iPad’s cache is temporary storage space on your device where web pages you recently viewed are held. Your cache allows Safari to quickly load previously visited pages. If you’re having trouble viewing courses, logging into courses or seeing your browser display pages incorrectly, you can try clearing your cache. Here’s how to clear… More
Clear, allow & manage cookies in Chrome You can choose to delete existing cookies, allow or block all cookies, and set preferences for certain websites. What cookies are Cookies are files created by websites you visit. By saving information about your visit, they make your online experience easier. For example, sites can keep you… More
Fix site display issues with Compatibility View in Internet Explorer 11 Windows Internet Explorer Support for Internet Explorer ended on June 15, 2022 Internet Explorer 11 has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. If any site you visit needs Internet Explorer 11, you can reload it with Internet… More
The menu bar is often disabled by default for many of the new updated browsers. Here is how you can re-enable it. Right click in the blank area at the top, next to the tabs, generally underneath the address bar. You will see a menu come up with a list. Left Click the option that… More
To determine which version of Internet Explorer is installed on your computer: Open your Internet Explorer browser. Near the top right corner, click the Tools button (or the Help button if you’re using Internet Explorer 8) and then choose About Internet Explorer. The About Internet Explorer window will appear. The first number before the dot (example: 5, 6, 7, 8… More
If you can’t find the answer to your question, please contact us. We are happy to help you.
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (ET)
Saturday – Sunday 12 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (ET)
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Email us and a customer service representative will get back to you within 24 hours.